Tuesday, April 19, 2011

on the lookout for the perfect "D"

I have been on the lookout for the perfect letter to complete my knick knacks. I don't know if I want an uppercase D or a lowercase one. I really like the look of the first one from anthropologie, but the d doesn't have as pretty a pattern as some of the other letters. The zinc one is really minimal and clean, but is that what I want? The metal ampersand is so beautiful.

Monday, April 18, 2011

color field

This semester, my mind has been blown. There was a piece created by a certain classmate of mine that really got me emotional. I guess you could say that his inspiration was the pioneer himself, Barnett Newman. Barnett Newman inspired many artists after his time. One of those people being the artist Salvador.

Please see for yourself:

Newman's zip painting


Just the use of space and athmosphere. Whether the blue line is the foreground or background, it transcends Rothko's use of space. It speaks of simplicity yet a complexity that is not seen at first. It actually makes most people's hearts jump. Please share your love here: where the magic happens.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


In digital illustration, we're designing and submitting t-shirt designs to threadless and I am really impressed with some of them. This project has been really hard because I wanted to do something smart and really well composed (with a healthy dose of obsessive detailing).

Here are my favorites:

All shirts from threadless

Friday, April 15, 2011


AIGA (obviously) puts out some great posters. It was interesting learning about the start of AIGA in chapter 20 and to see where they are now.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

paul rand

Can we all agree on how beautifully animated and relevant this video is?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I love etsy. I think the idea is great - creating things and selling them to people who are looking for something more personal or hand done or vintage. I've bought a few things off of etsy and sometimes knowing that things really are handmade or one of a kind makes me more likely to spend more on it.

Here are some things that I'm daydreaming of:

Sunday, April 10, 2011

think small

We're all familiar with VW's think small poster, which really make negative small a significantly integral part of the design. The other day I came across David Thorne's story about how he designs. This guy is hilarious, he does everything I wish I could do. He makes people feel stupid for asking something stupid (and usually asking for free design work). Below is part of a series of useless posters he made for a coworker.

Read it all here

The use of negative space and scale of the images make me think of each other.